Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Decisions, Decisions

The Jacksonville Sunny Runner Race Series involves an Independence Day 4 miler and a Halloween Howler 5k.  I finally got registered for the 4th of July race and I'm excited!  It's taking place in a really new and upcoming area that I've been curious about running around.  The cheap-o in me is wishing there was a discount if you sign up for both at the same time but that's all right, haha.

Speaking of races, I cannot decide what to do for my big races this fall/winter.  I have a few goals that I'm trying to combine into one or two races and I think I might be asking a little too much...

1.  Find a race in South Carolina to knock off another state
2.  Run a half marathon on October
3.  Run a ful marathon in February
4.  Participate in the Marathon High program this fall

Issue #1:  My training group is the 26.2 Donna foundation that hosts a half and full in Feb so I feel a little obligated to run that race but I've already done a few races in Florida

Issue #2:  I intend on volunteering with Marathon High this fall and that is leading up to the Donna and if I do it, the Donna will pay for me to do the half so that I can run with the kids - FREE RACE!

Issue #3:  There's this really cool looking full marathon at Hilton Head (South Carolina!!) BUT it's on Feb 13 - the day before the Donna.....!!

What's a girl to do?!  Whether or not I do the Marathon High program will depend on my race schedule but I won't know for sure that I got a school until August... but I'll be damned if I pay more than early registration for any race, haha!

Oh, well.  I have a little bit of time to think about it.  Any suggestions are appreciated!!

Sidetone:  I've been following quite a few running blogs on Bloglovin and I LOVE using the website  Never would I have thought I would be on it one day!  Who knows how many followers I could get but I'll never know until I try.  So I'm adding my link to get added on!
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. So many options for you to explore, Faith; that's exciting! I love when I have lots of possibilities; I think it makes it so much more fun. Can't wait to see what you decide to do!

  2. Soo many races...not enough weekends :) Before I read about your issues, I thought of Charleston (January Full or Half) and Kiawah (December Half - forgot if there is a full). Jennifer @ Run Jenny Run
