Monday, May 25, 2015

First Run, Check!

Let me clarify, first run of my pre-training, check!  For about 6 months I've been focusing my efforts on strength training and very little on cardiovascular other than walking.  I LOVE to walk but the urge to hop into a run tempted me all the time until I reminded myself I haven't ran in a long time and probablyy shouldn't just start running out of no where.  Well I finally found a running group that interests me that starts from the basics and works all the way up to the Donna full marathon in February.  My basic fitness level is way better than it ever was when I was running in the past but I really want to start from the bottom to ensure that I'm training efficiently and building a strong pace without getting ahead of myself.

The program is based off of Jeff Galloway's training method of running intervals.  Run walking 3 times a week including a long run on the weekend with the group.

They gave us so many goods in the first session!  I even got one of Jeff's books for free and he autographed it - amazing moment for me :) But that wasn't as amazing as running WITH Jeff Galloway the first day on training.  I was in heaven!

After I got home I couldn't stop talking about how excited I was about the program and convinced my mom she needed to do the program, too.  So Sunday morning my mom and I got outside and did 15 minutes run/walk with a 15/15 sec interval.  She did AWESOME!  We also walked a little after to cool down.  Once we got back we completely convinced my Dad he needed to do it also so the three of us went out to do the same run/walk.  I was so proud having my parents out there running!!  And I know it made them feel good so I'm happy they joined in.  

I never thought I'd even dream it but I'm seriously considering training for my first full marathon.  If I can stick to the program and follow training how he does it I really think it's possible.  I'm going to spend some time looking at the races I want to complete and make my final decision in the next few days!

Happy Memorial Day!

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